Thank you prayer warriors!

Day 21:
Thank you prayer warriors! I 100% believe you were heard and answered last night. The fever is gone and although the migraine is still hanging on, it’s 1000 times better. All tests were negative and we’re praying a solid sleep will knock the rest out. Last night was scary and everyone expected to find some kind of difficult reason for it. God had other plans.

Yesterday evening we were moved to the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Unit. It was tough. I honestly felt bulldozed by unexpected emotions and I know Tim and Tate felt the same. We’ve lived in the CCBD (center for cancer and blood disorders) for years. This was totally different. Emotions are still pretty raw. Multiple sleepless nights in a row also aren’t helpful. Another night when I have no good news, I’ll share a God moment that came with a donut! He has a sense of humor!

Tate had a long clinic eye appointment today, which was tough due to her physical state and a contrast Ct of her chest, abdomen and pelvic area to rule out infection or abnormalities pre bmt. The G tube was a winner today with the contrast. Tate never would’ve been able to drink it.

Donor news: I was waiting to share a confirmed transplant day of Feb 8. However, tonight transplant got pushed a bit again. New date range is Feb15-22nd. Short version is Tate needs fresh marrow not cryopreserved marrow in order to give her better engraftment (acceptance of the new cells.) This now requires a special request due to Covid changes and a solid, confirmed backup to match dates with the primary donor in case of Covid positive tests. Matching dates in this overbooked world is tougher than I would’ve thought. We are hoping to match a 2nd backup too just in case, but need to get the dates accepted and confirmed by the first two donors. This news was a little deflating on the heels of a really long day. We are running on fumes tonight. But we continue to be grateful for matches and know that we’re on God’s timeline, not ours.


I start today with gratitude


Difficult to wrap my heart around