Everyone is working hard

Today started out rough with a reaction to the ketamine. She’s had ketamine many times now and it’s always a fine line of keeping it low enough for her to tolerate while still being effective. We thought we were in good shape as it had been increased twice with no problems. It caught up to her this morning. We have rescue meds that work well for Tate. Once those were on board she slept until 2:00pm. About 4:30 she had another episode worse than the last and included bleeding incisions which visually just cranks up the drama. All of this is so wearing on everyone, especially Tatum. But she is okay and is now resting again.

The ketamine was discontinued this morning and we switched her from a dilaudid pca back to morphine in preparation for going home soon. She tolerated an overnight g tube feed last night and even ate some food today. We are hoping we broke the nausea/vomiting cycle and she can rely mostly on normal eating with just a bit of g tube feeds once we are home. Everyone is working hard to get us home soon!


Merry Christmas


Beyond awful