Beyond awful

Last night was beyond awful. The worst pain I’ve ever seen Tate in. And this precious kiddo has already been through so so much. She literally pleaded and screamed and cried for hours on end. She truly believed she was dying. Honestly so traumatic for not only she and I but those taking care of her as well as the poor families and kiddos around us. Things could have gone better last night and there’s been lots of apologies, but the most important thing is she’s resting now with manageable pain. We got on top of things about 4 this morning. Trying not to let fatigue and emotions get the best of me. Tate is never clear cut and easy. She doesn’t respond to meds like you or I would and her little body was already struggling when we came in. This just completely tipped her over. The Outpatient specialists, the ones that know and understand her called this. We know lots of people here but the team we had last night were new to Tate. But it ramped so fast even I couldn’t advocate for her fast enough. I thank God for the sunrise today and a fresh start.

The timing of my post asking for prayers and when things started to turn around wasn’t by accident. Thank you prayer warriors and thank you Jesus for hearing them. I now know who doesn’t sleep Colorado time and who’s up by 5&6 am East of Mountain Time.

Today will be a long day of revolving doors and discussion and implementation of plans. We worked so so hard over the last couple months to gradually reduce her pain meds. One night and there was no choice but to rocket way back up. Defeating. But it’s all Gods timing. Pray for his plan to be revealed through her Dr’s. Pray for strength and resilience for Tate…and for our family too.


Everyone is working hard


Surgery lasted longer than anticipated