Post BMT day 240
Day 7
An attempt last night at adding pedialyte to Tates formula feed didn’t go so well. Stomach pain led to turning it off and a need for a new peripheral line to keep up with fluids. The PICC team came today and placed an extended catheter with ultrasound. And of course, Ruffles kept her company. These “small” procedures are getting tougher for Tate. Having Ruffles present as well as these kind, patient teams, makes all the difference. Even with the line, they are avoiding running ppn (iv nutrition) and just running saline to preserve the line. But they are able to run iv antibiotics again, which is important.
Tates last blood culture has to clear tomorrow at 6pm before she can go into surgery for the new central line. We are really hoping for a surgery slot Friday and discharge with home IV antibiotics. If we get to the weekend we may have to wait until Monday….ugh.
Fun event of the day….Reagan, one of Ruffles handlers asked Tate to be one of the kids to ride the fire truck to lead the Harley riders for the Christmas toy drop. This is a fun event at CHC and Tate feels honored to be included. It’s nice for her to have something to look forward to.