Post BMT day 238


Day 5

Ruffles kept Tate company today while she had her PICC removed. Tate did great. The tougher part was finding a vein for a peripheral IV. It took 4 tries with resource (team that specializes in IV’s, and central line issues.) We’re hoping the one that they did get will hold overnight for the IV nutrition and fluids. The PPN will run 24 hours.

GI was in today to discuss the plan moving forward. They are leaning towards a PICC again but may land on a broviac (chest central line)Tate would prefer a PICC as although you can’t hide them as well, they’re much easier to cover to keep dry. Either way, we’re hoping for tomorrow or Wednesday for placement. The new antibiotic seems to be doing the job as cultures from yesterday are currently negative.

It’s Halloween week here, so there’s something fun each day. Tomorrow is the dogs party in the outdoor dog park the hospital has. I’m hoping Tate feels well enough to go for a bit.




Post BMT day 239


Post BMT day 237