Transplant Day -4

Day 59
Transplant Day -4

Thank you prayer warriors! We got through the night on 7th. Thanking God for her teams wisdom on a drug cocktail that worked to induce sleep while still keeping her safe. This kiddo is on so. many. Meds. She’s only been awake briefly to sit for her thiotepa baths, but seems much more calm and Tate-like. I could just sob out of relief and gratitude. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for praying!

She had fludarabine already this morning and the rATG is running. This one requires tons of pre meds, steroids and vitals every 15 minutes to prevent and watch for reactions. ICU is ready for her and the attending on today “knows” her from her last ICU stay. That is all comforting should that be what is best for Tate.

We are 10 baths down and two more to go. We’ve got a pretty efficient routine down that makes even the middle of the night baths as tolerable as possible. We’ll be glad when this portion is over.

We’re not even close to through this yet but are literally stepping forward one hour at a time. She is so due for the “easy” path with something. Praying ATG takes her on that path. ❤️‍🩹



No more middle of the night baths.


Today was beyond words difficult