Made Me Pause

Day 43

This photo popped up in a memory and made me pause. This was about the time Tate started struggling with the masses of mouth ulcers that made eating so painful. We had no idea of their significance at the time. She wasn’t well but also wasn’t sick enough yet ti raise alarm. It was about 9 months later that we knew something was really wrong. It’s been quite the roller coaster ever since.

Today was a tough one for Tate. Lots of pain. She didn’t make it outside and was struggling too much for PT or OT. Tomorrow and Saturday are IVIG infusions. IVIG doesn’t always make Tate feel great initially but it’s been an incredible blessing that serves primarily to control the neurological portion of her disease. At $55,000+ each month, we are grateful for good insurance that gives her access to a treatment that so many are denied.



Facing the “what ifs”


Saw the Pups