Keira Update 2


Keira had some extra visitors today for just a few minutes. Aunt Helen, cousin Hailey and Drew and Tate got to see her. Reassuring for all to lay eyes on her and be able to give her a hug.

Keira did much better today. After a red man reaction to vancomycin ( antibiotic -Tate also reacts to,) they switched her to another antibiotic and her fever broke, helping all her vitals come back to normal. Today they removed the oxygen, took out her arterial line, removed the IV in her foot, removed catheters and removed the head dressing a couple days early due to an impatient patient who wanted to see just how much hair was shaved.

Headache pain was an issue today. Narcotics weren’t helping much. Finally, a mega dose of IV Tylenol brought her to a 5 on the pain scale. A relief for Keira and she was finally able to sleep a bit.

This surgery is giving Keira’s short term memory a workout, but we’re hopeful that things will calm down soon and she’ll feel more like herself. She had two CT’s and an MRI today. The drain is stilll in.. We’re hoping that it can be removed tomorrow and she can be transferred to the regular neurology floor as a step closer to discharge. Keira hasn’t been able to tolerate anything to eat yet and isn’t drinking much. The ICU team will push even harder tomorrow towards those goals.

Tate….we received a surprise delivery last night of 5 bags of tpn and IV fluids. I had literally thrown in the towel as things were escalating with Keira. Sometimes there isn’t enough energy to go around. This delivery is a gift that will hopefully bridge us to an appointment at Nemours Children’s hospital with a GI specialist. (About 45 minutes away.) Still feels exhausting and honestly the last thing I want to do is take Tate to a new Dr. here in the midst of all this, but next week will be calmer and the end goal is bigger than the annoyance to get there.

I’m doing poorly at keeping up with messages and responding to comments. Tonight is the 6th night of very very little sleep. I’m feeling it. So please know you are appreciated and loved by all the Colorado Spiegelbergs. Thank you for the prayers, love & support.




Keira Update 3


Keira Update 1