Post BMT day 287


It’s Christmas week! A perfect reminder that through all the ups and downs, our constant remains the same. That a baby was born to rescue us from everything that is broken and painful. A great week to be reminded that Jesus’ love for us is bigger than the troubles of this world.

Our world was flipped upside down again this week.

Keira was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Drew, Keira and K’s boyfriend flew home to us Saturday evening. After a weeklong migraine, Keira passed out Saturday around noon, hit her head on concrete, was knocked unconscious, broke her tooth and gained a solid case of amnesia. We didn’t know this had happened until after she got off the plane. It was evident the moment I saw her that she wasn’t herself. I took her to the ER Saturday night-no scans but an obvious concussion dx. A Dr. Appt Monday sent us back again. Following a CT scan in the ER on Monday afternoon, Keira was diagnosed with the brain tumor. They believe it’s benign and is called a colloid cyst. MRI’s coming up should prayerfully confirm this. Despite being benign, we’re told it’s serious and can be dangerous as these continue to grow. We’ve bounced from emergency surgery Monday night to wait and watch to currently being somewhere in the middle.

We’ve hit the medical lottery again as these are rare-3 in a million- and typically are seen around age 40. Keira recently turned 18. We have been initially told it’ll need to be removed. There aren’t many neurosurgeons who specialize in removing these as they aren’t common, and are tricky to get to as they sit in the center of the brain. Today we talked to New York and Mayo in Florida. Tomorrow we have a telehealth with FL and will touch base with a Dr. here in Colorado. We’re grateful to have more than one option. Keira is wanting to find a neurosurgeon that will do this laparoscopically rather than through a craniotomy. We agree.

Keira’s concussion symptoms are improving. We’re all working our way through this. K doesn’t love the focus on herself or the emotions involved as she’s usually the caretaker. And true to herself, she’s just ready to hammer out whatever needs to be done to move on. We hope to know what that will look like soon.

Tatum’s news is pain. Worsening pain at night that now includes her arms and a swollen elbow in addition to the knees and ankles. Sleepless nights continue and bone pain is now present during the day. We started a course of prednisone today that we are praying will help.

Despite all the above, we are thrilled to have the kids home (missing TJ!) and Grandma Sandy here. There’s gratitude to be found in every moment when you are with the ones you love. We have endless blessings to be grateful for. Stay warm & cozy.




Post BMT day 289


Post BMT day 282