Post BMT day 241


Day 8

Tates cultures remained negative tonight and we have a surgery slot for tomorrow! Sometime between 8 & 1:30 they should be able to take Tate back. If all goes as planned, she’ll be discharged sometime after that. Yay! The hospital is absolutely overflowing with 21 kids waiting in the ER yesterday for beds. We hear the sweet respiratory kiddos coughing and crying all night long…unusual for a non respiratory floor but shows how displaced everyone is. What you’re seeing on the news is accurate. So we are anxious to get away from all the sickness and give our bed to a kiddo who more needs the support. Pray for the staff….everyone is a little ragged.

More dog visits today by Callie-a prescription pet and Ruffles. They had a Build A Bear event today that Tate was too tired to attend so Ruffles dropped off a sweet bear she made for Tate (Thanks Reagan) and then pleaded with her eyes for us to remove her Halloween pajamas.

I got a coffee and indoor walk in today with my sweet friend Ashley. Her daughter is baby Autumn who is coming up on her first Birthday and almost a year of living in the BMT unit while she waits for a thymus transplant. This means she essentially has no immune system. Praying for transplant at Duke in NC in the near future! Keep Autumn and her family in your prayers too.




Post BMT day 242


A “Huge” Thank You