Post BMT Day + 131

Post BMT +131

Headed to the OR…

Cultures continue to grow and Tate continues to feel worse. Pretty steady low grade fevers led to the decision to get Tate to the OR and get both her central lines out-the broviac and port. The type of bacteria that is growing in her blood is notorious for sticking to plastic. We are hopeful this takes care of the infection and she starts turning the corner. After 48-72 hours of clean cultures, they’ll take her back to the OR to replace whichever type of line that is decided as best to move forward.

Tate has had a pretty rough day with pain and nausea. Praying for a quick a safe surgery.



+131 continued

Day 6

Tatum is out of surgery and resting well. Much more simple to take the central lines out than to put them in. She is well medicated and tucked in for hopefully a quiet night.

Resource team will come in to draw blood cultures sometime after midnight. You can’t draw them off peripheral IV lines, so it’s a fresh poke each time. Tate is a notoriously “hard stick” which is why the central lines were so handy for blood draws (among many other things.) Thankful for a resource team that is really good at what they do. Maybe she’ll sleep through it.

TPN can still be run through a peripheral line( called ppn,) but has to run 24 hours. Lipids run for 10 and J tube feeds for 12. Plus iv antibiotics 4 times a day for an hour each and anything else that gets added. That’s a lot of lines! Surgery placed two IV’s to get Tate through until we get s central line back.

Thank you for the continued prayers and support. You love us so well. We are beyond grateful!


Post BMT Day + 133


Post BMT Day + 130 + 5