BMT +21

Day 84
BMT +21

Today was day 2 of IVIG with Tate’s “new” immune system. It was a hard day. Feeling extra crummy with extra vomiting, temp up a bit and rigors.(excessive shaking.) Not a reaction Tate usually gets from IVIG, but this is also a new immune system. Sort of a watch and wait situation and hopefully things will be better tomorrow. Last night was tough too, so we are always praying for sleep!
Her enteral meds are all put through her G-tube. Double duty for her nurse tonight as Tate’s stomach likes to get rid of it as soon as it goes in.

Tate received this beautiful hat in the mail. It is super soft, but had no note in it. She also received a pair of earrings with no name attached….both through Amz. Thank you! They both brought a smile to her face. She’s slowly working her way through the cards and gifts as her energy allows. I’m trying to get thank you cards in the mail for those whose addresses I have. The Amazon packages often allow me to send an online thank you, so I hope you are receiving those. For the items that come without names, we are just as grateful!. The generosity is amazing. Thank you for continuing to love Tate and our family so well!



BMT +22


BMT +20