BMT +18

Day 82

BMT +19

Tates counts dropped across the board again overnight. She was technically too low for the chimerism study, but it was already sent off before her CBC came back. We’ll see what that shows in a couple days. This does make me pause and just pray for them to start going in the opposite direction. I’ll feel relieved when the study shows 95%+ donor cells.

Due to increased nausea and pain, we added back a nausea med to her growing arsenal and added Zyrtec to hopefully help with what seems to be bone pain in her legs.

Today was actually quite busy with lots of teams and discussion about best plans moving forward. Tate is sitting well with transplant outcomes right now, but came in with a lot that has only been worsened by the transplant process. She will need extensive PT and OT rehab and will continue to work through the chronic pain with the pain team. GI will also be key players as her gut was still struggling from the Behcets ulcers this summer and now is healing from the mucositis. All this will be overcome, it’s just going to take time and patience.

Two meds were discontinued and one was moved from IV to enteral meaning she can get it through her G tube and eventually by mouth. Pedialyte was also started as a “trickle feed” through her GTube. It runs at 5 ml/hr around the clock. Care conference will hopefully take place this week sometime.

Last night was not a very restful sleep, so looking forward to an early bedtime tonight! Giving thanks for the positive and trusting Gods guidance on the hard stuff. ❤️‍🩹




BMT +19


Transplant +17