January 17, 2025

There’s been a lot of pain this week for people in my life…both loved and haven’t seen in years to friend or family of friends and family. But people. Hearts hurting. Affecting lots of you too.

The other morning I was walking on the beach, lost in thought and conversation with the only one who really knows my heart. Praying for my kids. For my family. For the pain that these dear people are stepping through and into. It was quiet outside of the sound of the ocean. And I found something special….a yellow butterfly shell.

My first thought is always of Tate. Yellow is her color and butterflies too ever since they covered her hospital room for months on end. But for Keira and Chloe and Kody and Sean and little Remi, Uncle Tom and so many more friends we’ve lost and who are still fighting. But for my boys and my Tim too and for all the hurting hearts this week too.

A butterfly is new life, beauty and hope and delicate wings…a miracle in creation. It’s a reminder for me that the best is yet to come. Both in daily little moments here in your life but especially in eternity with the one who loves you best.

Walter family and Dear Hannah, my heart thinks of you constantly. I pray for peace and comfort knowing you don’t walk alone.




January 22, 2025


January 16, 2025