December 30, 2024
A belated Merry Christmas to our Tribe as we get close to welcoming 2025. We had a quiet Christmas, so grateful to be home with the addition of Drew with us. Tate did so well and was able to attend church and join in the festivities.
TJ joined us Friday night and we’ve soaked in all being together. (Completely void of all picture taking.)
Tate started running fevers Saturday night and hasn’t been feeling well since so we’ve spent lots of time just hanging out and watching movies together when she was awake. With viral stuff running through the family, we’re hopeful this is where Tate sits too. As per usual, we’re just hoping to stay home. Her docs are bringing her in tomorrow for some tests and as long as I can keep her vitals stable, she should be good to stay home. We have a big trip planned for January 9th and are trying all we can now to get in good shape for that.
Blessings on your last day of 2024 and happy 25 Year Anniversary to my bestie. Love you Tim.