Gods plan trumps all human plans

Day 50:
I remember meeting a mom the first week we were here who’s child was being discharged on day 43. I honestly couldn’t imagine. 6 weeks. Yet, here we are on day 50 and yes, most days as a whole i feel like I’m digging deep to find the overarching silver lining. Yet, I feel like as time passes and my priorities and perspective are shifted, Gods daily blessings become more evident. I am grateful for that. I’m praying so hard for Tate to see the same.

In a medical world where every new Dr., treatment and medication have only ultimately led to more sickness, worsening symptoms and added diagnoses, Tate doesn’t trust that they have anything left to offer her. She doesn’t trust the system any longer. She doesn’t believe that this transplant is life saving. She doesn’t believe she will survive it or that it could be her cure. Behind the 10 second smile she gives me for a photo post, she’s hurting, scared and exhausted. Her body is failing her, but she feels like the medical world is failing her too. I can’t convince her to trust her Dr’s. That’s honestly their job through attentive communication with a hurting, steroid flooded, scared 14 year old-no easy task. But I can encourage her with knowing that Gods plan trumps all human plans and that he’ll never let her go. Tate wins no matter what.


Signs of increased inflammation


She is weary