6 weeks….Life sort of feels like it stops in here.
Day 42:
6 weeks….Life sort of feels like it stops in here. It’s sort of strange. We know the nights are starting to cool off because we see staff and the med students walking outside in the morning with sweatshirts and jackets. The nurses say goodbye for 10 day vacations with us all thinking we’ll get home soon but you’re here to welcome them back. I’ve stopped hearing the helicopter come and go and don’t really notice the beeps and alarms as much anymore. And yet, Tate’s health hasn’t improved, but has become more complicated. Despite all this, today in talking with two of the rheumatologist’ today, I felt their concern and sadness as they said things like, “I’m sorry” and “We all really care and are trying to figure out a plan.” I found myself wanting to reassure them how blessed we are by sharing all the blessings and things we’re thankful for today….a rheumatology department where every attending in the department knows Tate and our family, a nationally ranked hospital and #1 ranked GI department, the incredible nurses who function as friends and whom I’ll genuinely miss once we’re out of here, a team that is working so hard to find a path forward….and all of you!
Thank you for the cards and texts, the gift cards and the visits. The packages and surprises to give Tate a smile. For supporting Tim at home and at church, and especially for all the prayers. We are so grateful to not be walking this alone. To have all of you beside us in addition to knowing God is carrying us, keeps us going. We you and say prayers of Thanksgiving for each and every one of you!