Check out Tates shirt!

Day 21:
Yesterday afternoon they decreased the dose of dilaudid Tate can get with each button push on her PCA. It didn’t go well. I’m too tired for new adjectives, but it was a terrible night. Couldn’t get on top of the pain, zero sleep and a rough morning. So…they turned it back up. This afternoon they switched her pca to morphine. Morphine switch brought a new round of nausea, but slightly better pain control. Starting the morphine again is basically another step back, but a necessary one. We can’t start to transition to meds she can take to transition home until we get on top of the pain with the big guns. She still has a long road in front of her unless her body decides to cooperate and heal sooner. In the meantime we pray for patience and trust Gods timing. Her team is working so hard to help her. We are seriously grateful for the care she receives here! So blessed to have access to Children’s CO!
Check out Tates shirt! A brilliant surprise and we don’t know who to thank!? Anyone want to claim it? We love it!


Cherished and never alone.


My sleeping Tate!