Post BMT +39

Day 102
Post BMT +39

The great news for today! Tates CMV PCR read undetected this morning. Praying it stays sleeping! So thankful for this!

Rounds this morning brought about some new plans and changes. Tates labs are showing she continues to be low in many of her electrolytes despite tpn. Lots of things can cause this but in her case it’s likely insufficient nutrition. Lipids are being added back to the tpn today. This is another small step backwards but it’s important to hold her steady as we figure out her gut issues.
Because of the ulcers and constant nausea, and vomiting and diarrhea with eating, GI consulted today and an upper and lower endoscopy was ordered. She’ll have this done Thursday. Clean out for that starts tonight. They’ll use a pump to give her what she needs through her G-tube. I’m dreading this for her as her nausea is already so bad.
Tates weight continues to climb due to fluid retention. Lasix is miserable at night so I’m grateful they’re willing to check again in the morning and address it as needed then. They don’t worry too much until the fluid starts to affect her lungs or heart, but obviously want to head that off.

It’s easy to get discouraged from the seemingly lack of progress of late. And that emotion is honestly the first thing I feel when I open my eyes in the morning after yet another night short on sleep. But my next thought is usually a silent pep talk wondering what’s going to turn around today and where will we see a glimmer of improvement. Lately I’ve had to look a little harder, but I know Tate will get there. We waited many long years for God to answer our prayers with a concrete solution and direction. …we never dreamed we’d and on a bone marrow transplant but are grateful for the hope it provides. We will wait while we learn where his plans take Tate next. We pray for complete healing and a restored body. I believe God will reveal exactly this in his time.



Post BMT +41


Post BMT +38