Post BMT Day +95
Post BMT +95
Happy Saturday!
Friday morning we saw our new Dr. with the chronic pain team. What a kind, patient and brilliant man! It has taken us years, but I truly feel Tatum has the absolute best Dr’s as each of her specialists. We are blessed! He came up with a long term plan for med management and focused especially on Tate’s migraines, knee and back pain. He also works in the EDS (Ehlers Danlos) clinic which means we get the best of both worlds wrapped in one.
After Tates appointment, we were headed out and we’re greeted by s young couple with a smile saying, “You don’t know us, but we follow Tate’s story and have been praying.” This isn’t the first time this has happened but the feelings of love, gratitude and being completely humbled are the same every time. Tates response was, ” I can’t believe people we’ve never met pray for me.” She truly has no idea. Thank you for loving us , for praying and for stopping to say Hello! Justin and Lorraine, you made our day!
Keira came down yesterday after our appointments. Always a bright spot, we ran an errand with Tate. She didn’t last long though and has seemed especially fatigued the last couple days. This morning she woke to stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea again. She had a couple bites of food yesterday that didn’t sit well. Tate isn’t feeling great. She only was out of bed today to use the bathroom. She “slept” all day with ice packs on her head and tummy. It’s hard not to worry that the increased negative symptoms aren’t related to the worsening labs. I’m anxious for Monday!
Tim took Drew to WI this past week, helped him get settled at TJ’s house, brought back Keira’s things from High School yet and also came home with COVID. He is really quite sick and could use a few prayers. Keira is the best nurse and takes great care of her dad. She even stepped in to handle purchasing all the food for a 40 person pastor party at church that Tim was in charge of. She is truly a gift. Say an extra prayer for Keira too. So much falls on her shoulders especially when both Tim and I are tied up in other ways. We thank God for the way he has shaped her year and for her willingness to jump in wherever needed.