Still struggling

Still struggling. Lots of med induced drowsiness but not much actual rest…still too much pain. Tate is exhausted.
This is so reminiscent of Tates 2 month + admission this past July-September when Tates GI ulcers couldn’t be touched and we rode the fine line of sedation and pain management. Chronic pain messes with anything acute and heightens it 10 fold. In addition to the post surgical pain, Tates lupus is flaring causing greater joint and muscle pain. We are quickly running out of good options to control the pain. I honestly feel like a broken record-we’re caught in a spin cycle.

We are trusting that tomorrow will bring some relief as we take steps closer to resolution. We are following Gods path. His plan. I pray for renewed trust and clarity to step forward blindly. Because I cannot see and I cannot understand. Pray hard Tribe. God will hear you.


We needed this bright spot


Merry Christmas